English Stand-up Comedy
Di 29.10. 20:00 Uhr

English Stand-up Comedy

with Dana Alexander & Alistair Barrie

Karten kaufen

CHF 40.–
Ermässigte Karten ab CHF 15.–

Dauer: ca. 120 Minuten inkl. Pause
Sprache: Englisch
Altersempfehlung: 16+

Bar & Lounge

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Have a good laugh at Theater Casino Zug

Seit mittlerweile 10 Jahren bietet das Theater Casino Zug den Fans des Britischen Humor in der Bar & Lounge eine besondere Bühne. Die Reihe English Stand-Up Comedy trainiert regelmässig die Lachmuskeln ihrer Gäste. Egal ob neu in Zug angekommen oder in der Stadt tief verwurzelt, Humor verbindet und lässt sie alle im Theater ein Zuhause finden. Und genauso wie im Publikum Menschen aus der ganzen Welt zusammen kommen, so spüren wir auch die Comedians in aller Welt auf. Hauptsache der Humor ist britisch und we are amused!

Da sich auf leeren Magen nur halb so gut lachen lässt, bieten wir Ihnen die passende kulinarische Begleitung. Für die Pubatmosphäre sorgt unser Gastroteam mit typischen Fish & Chips und einem guten Bier.

Dana Alexander draws her material from raw life experience with an original and hilarious outlook. She began her comedy career at the age of 18 years old in Canada. Before long she began touring nationally with Yuk Yuk's Comedy Clubs, completed 5 television galas and several radio spots for major stations. In 2011 Dana moved to the U.K. where she premiered her solo hour at The Edinburgh Festival for which she received rave reviews and nominations including «Best Comic» and «Best International Act» from Chortle and Black Comedy Awards. Dana has featured on British television on programmes such as «Question Team», «Russell Howard's Good News», «Edinburgh Comedy Fest» and «The Culture Show». ​Her solo comedy special also aired in Canada's popular Stand-up show «Comedy Now» and she has been named in the Top 10 Comedians 3 years running by NOW Magazine in Canada. 

Alistair Barrie is one of the top headliners on the international comedy circuit. A regular at London’s world-famous Comedy Store, he has performed in over 40 countries including acclaimed performances in Australia, Cape Town, Mumbai, New Zealand and the legendary Comedy Cellar in New York. He has made countless appearances at UK music festivals including Glastonbury, Latitude, Bestival and Green Man and taken several solo shows to The Edinburgh Festival. His 2013 and 2015 shows were nominated for «Best Show at The Fringe» with the latter transferring to London for a run at The Soho Theatre, and he was runner-up in the 2015 English Comedian of the Year. Alistair is a frequent panelist on BBC Scotland’s award-winning ‘Breaking the News’ and a regular pundit on Times Radio, Radio 4 and 5Live. He has appeared on numerous radio and television shows all over the world, including 'Celebrity Deal or No Deal', ‘BBC Breakfast,’ 'Good Morning South Africa' and ‘The Blame Game’ in Northern Ireland.


With your resident host Andaleeb Lilley.


Fish & Chips and a British beer: CHF 25.– if preordered at ticket purchase

Our restaurant and the Bar & Lounge are open for dinner and drinks from 5.30 p.m. Table reservations for dinner: 041 729 10 40 or online.

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