Dani Häuslers Kapelle Gupfbuebä und das Jodelterzett Seetal
Sun 29.09 5.00 p.m. Heimatklänge-Abo

Dani Häuslers Kapelle Gupfbuebä und das Jodelterzett Seetal

Heimatklänge #1 auf See

6 concerts for CHF 250.–

Single tickets: CHF 60.–
concession tickets starting at CHF 30.–

Duration: approx. 90 minutes incl. intermission

The concert takes place on the MS Rigi, boarding on the ship at Zug Bahnhofssteg

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This concert is a rare form of community project where Ländlermusik – a type of Swiss folk music – and yodelling come together. The Seetal Yodel Trio are known for their beautiful interpretations of yodelling classics, while the Gupfbuebä choir have built a reputation for central Swiss Ländlermusik concerts. One of the driving forces behind the project is Zug clarinettist and composer Dani Häusler, who is one of the highest-profile Ländlermusik proponents in the country and has played a major role in the renaissance of Swiss folk music over recent decades, founding the Gupfbuebä choir at the age of just 12. The quartet’s music, which Häusler has been crafting for them for over 30 years now, makes you think at the same time as making you want to dance. In recent years, he has increasingly been interested in yodelling, and in the Seetal trio, he found the ideal group to flesh out his ideas. The members come from Seetal in Eastern Switzerland, Entlebuch and Fricktal respectively, and their high-quality accordion-backed yodelling gives audiences charm and humour in equal measure. And the Theater Casino Zug is taking to the water! The first and last concerts in the new «Heimatklänge» (Sounds of home) series will be held on the MS Rigi ferry, with its views of the Theater Casino. Come aboard, and enjoy a unique concert with an incredible panorama as the sun sets over your favourite theatre.

Dani Häuslers Gupfbuebä
Accordion: Jörg Wiget 
Piano: Ueli Stump
Clarinet: Dani Häusler 
Bass: Severin Barmettler

Jodelterzett Seetal 
Vocals: Yvonne Fend-Bruder, Karin Weber-Widmer und Sämi Studer 
Accordion: Doris Erdin-Treier 

The first and last concert of the new Heimatklänge-Abo takes place on Lake Zug with a view of the Casino Zug theatre. Departure is from Zug Bahnhofsteg Seating capacity is limited.

A co-operation with Zugersee Schifffahrt.

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