Bundesordner 2024
Fri 31.01 7.30 p.m.

Bundesordner 2024

Ein satirischer Jahresrückblick

CHF 60.– / 50.– / 40.–
concession tickets starting at CHF 15.–

Language: Swiss German/German


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Once again this year, the satiric review of the previous 12 months will feature a line-up of top-quality male and female comedians, slam poets and musicians, ready to ring in the new year by taking a look back at the old one.

From and with: Anet Corti, Kathrin Bosshard, Uta Köbernick, Jane Mumford, Beni Kobi und Pascal Dussex (Les Trois Suisses) Dominik Muheim, Sebastian Ryser und Fine Degen
Direction: Fabienne Hadorn
Production: Casinotheater Winterthur

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