Theater- und Musikgesellschaft Zug
Since 1808 – for over two centuries therefore – the Theater- und Musikgesellschaft Zug has been committed to providing Zug with a vibrant cultural experience. And for more than 100 years, we have been doing it from the home that we built ourselves – the Theater Casino Zug. Today we have become a broadly-supported non-profit organisation with over 1,000 members and patrons. We help to shape the cultural and social life of the city and the region, taking it in new, determined and surprising directions with a programme that features with local and international artists, young and old, providing a platform for regional talent as well as bringing top international acts to Central Switzerland. Our commitment to culture brings people together and strengthens the identity of Zug. We create cultural events that excite and move the local population.
Further members of the committee
Jonas Koller, Vice President
Sonja Hägeli, Projects and Fundraising
Simone Huber, Members
Christina Michel, Patrons
Andreas Okle, Finance and Sponsoring